Friday, April 30, 2010


Branding is an exceptional form of trademarking a company. For instance, Target's branding/logo is a picture of a "bullseye". Their logo alone stands for the representation of that particular company, when and wherever that logo is seen, it's known to consumers that the logo is a representation of the Target company. Apple's logo/branding has the same affect. Their logo is placed on every product that the coompsny develops and sells. In my opninion their logo also represents quality and luxury. 
Branding is not an easy task to do, it takes a lot of consideration and planning to know what will stick with a customer for years to come. Like target Apple has been and still is very successful with how they decided to brand their product. The picture of an Apple was probably the most effective and smartest decision the company made when they first launched their business. Branding is not something to be taken likely, the choice a company makes, can in fact make or break them.  

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